Integration of Knowledge in Theory and Practice: The Contribution of Bediuzzaman Said Nuri


  • Md. Yousuf Ali P



Integration of knowledge in Islam is an intellectual and epistemological challenge. Indeed the first revelation of the Qur‟an is “to read and write”1 and the Prophet Muhammad continued its process until the revelation of the whole Qur‟an was completed. Muslim scholars and thinkers espoused to develop man‟s intellectual efforts in the various ages.2 The integration process of knowledge was revived in the twentieth century by several scholars and thinkers, Bediuzzaman Said Nursi (1877-1960) being one of them. This approach argues that without integration of knowledge between religious sciences and modern sciences in accordance with the need of time, progress and development in the Muslim world is not possible. Such an approach is particularly compelling because it can eschew the accusation that Western values are being imposed upon Islam. Muslim scholars who proposed the process of integration have faced resistance from traditionalists. The accusation is that they are not loyal to Islam and deny its heritage.






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