
The Bangladesh  Institute of Islamic Thought (BIIT) is a non-profit, non-political, non-government independent organization founded by a group of renowned academicians, Islamic thinkers, and policymakers of Bangladesh with the aim of reconstruction of thought and integration of knowledge leading to the creation of a peaceful and resourceful society in Bangladesh. It is registered with Joint Stock Company under the Society’s Act 1862, Ministry of Commerce and NGO Affairs Bureau, PMO, GoB in 1989.  

With a view to achieve its lofty aims and objectives, the BIIT has been implementing a wide range of programs since its inception in 1989 including education and research, skill and human development training, supporting marginal families, holding dialogues, conferences, workshops, seminars and consultation meetings, publication and distribution of books, dialogue and round table discussions, library and resource centre services and so on.

Click here for more details about BIIT.