The Role of Religious Education in Curriculum Designing


  • Syed Ali Ashraf



'Religious education' means for many teachers and schools in the United Kingdom the imparting of knowledge about different religions of the world, That is why it is often said by some educationists that even an atheist can be a very good teacher of religious education [1], If, on the other hand, by religious education we mean-what 1 claim that it should mean-the training of the 'religious sensibility' [2] of students, then only a person who is aware of that sensibility and knows the technique of making others aware of i\ educationally can be a teacher of religious education, It is only when we define 'religious sensibility' properly that we can understand how it has both a material and a spiritual and ethical dimension, a specific and a universal connotation, and how it is both local and global in perspective, Only then will it be possible for us to assess the central and basic role of religious education in curriculum designing and teaching methodology






Research Notes