Importance, Needs and Impact of Culture: Proposed for 4th Basic Organ of Government


  • Dr. ABM. Mahbubul Islam



Culture is one of the most important aspects of human life. It is to direct and consolidate the activities of life and behavior of human being. It is a guide for molding human activities too. For this reason a cultural revolution is a precondition to be taken place prior to the occurrence of any political revolution in a country. It shows the importance of culture in state or political life. There are people who are of the opinion that culture has no religious or ideological boundaries. In other words, the people living in a particular land are guided by the same culture and civilization, irrespective of their creed, color, gender and religious affiliation. It suggests that the people of a particular geographical area would follow the same art, same education, same music, same life style, etc. Though this connotation is not acceptable to Islam, yet by considering the needs and importance of culture each and every government of the world sets up its own cultural department, both at home and mission in abroad. Such as, American cultural centre, Russian cultural centre, Iranian cultural centre and so on. Through this department, the concerned government intends to express and explain the way of lie of its own people to the host nations abroad. The Islamic government, being an ideological one, should also be committed to maintain, expose, explain and expedite the way of life of its own people to others. Because, a state that follows Islam in its socio-political field can not afford to follow the way of life and life style of others as model to suit its needs. For this reasons, an Islamic government should have adopted culture and civilization affairs as one of the basic organs of its state machinery - which is not materialized yet. This paper aims at clarifying the true and real meaning, definition, importance, needs and impact of culture in a state life and it would also highlight the importance and needs as to why it should be the fourth basic organ of a government. By doing so the article intends to remove the misunderstanding about culture and at the same time to explain the needs of its placement as one of basic organ of a state.




How to Cite

Islam, D. A. M. (2020). Importance, Needs and Impact of Culture: Proposed for 4th Basic Organ of Government. Bangladesh Journal of Integrated Thoughts, 3(4), 27–45.



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