An Objective Study on Some Aspects of Shah Waliullah & Sayyid Abul A’La Mawdudi’s Thought


  • Dr. Abul Kalam Mohammad Shahed



Mawdudi, Waliullah


This paper aims to undertake an objective study on some aspects of Shah Waliullah (1703-1762) and Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi's (1903-1979) thought. Both are ranked among those great muslim thinkers who by virtue of their knowledge and activities helped reconstruct the religious and political thought in Islam. The famous eighteenth century Islamic scholar, Waliullah formed a bridge between mediaeval and modern Islam in India. He was a socio-political reformer; a great 'alim, a sufi, a mujaddid and a da'i. This study reveals that Sayyid Mawdudi, the famous Islamic scholar of 20 th century was greatly influenced by the thought and teachings of Waliullah. Like Waliullah, he presented Islam as a complete code of life with solutions to all problems faced by mankind. In the line of Waliullah's thought, he chalked out a strategy to establish an Islamic state. Following the footstep of Waliullah, he waged a pouierfui movement to translate Islamic ideology into a realizable term and to construct socio-political life in accordance with it. However, Mawdudi did not accept Waliullah's thought uncritically. He disagreed with Waliullah on the several issues including that of Tasawwuf. Yet, similarities in their thoughts are overwhelming. Both initiated a process of socio-political change, inspired by Islamic ideal, in an age, which was becoming increasingly secular in their respective eras.





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