The Philosophy of the Life of Prophet Muhammad (SAAS) and the Contemporary World


  • Md. Abdul Hannan Sarkar



In the article ‘the Philosophy of the Life of Prophet Muhammad (SAAS) and the Contemporary World’, it has been tried to analyze to what extext the Prophet (SAAS) became successful with his mission. It has also been tried to analyze the particular areas of the contemporary problems and their possible way out as well. Whether by following him anyone can be turned into a terrorist or whether he (Prophet) shall still be followed in this age has also been tried to analyze in a pratical context. It is only for the Prophet (SAAS) that a nomadic Arabs of the desert could touch the final peack of civilization. He is like a touchstone. Even the non-Muslim scholars confessed that there is none comparable to Prophet Muhammad (SAAS) in the whole world. He is the greatest among the human being. But there were conspiracies, vengeance, and strong opponents of the truth in all times. His ideologies have always been misinterpreted only because of false propaganda. Many are raising questions as to whether the Prophet (SAAS) should be followed in the present context. Despite thousands of false propagandas, the greatness of the ideology of Prophet Muhammad (SAAS) has not faded away. Therefore, it can be said undoubetly that everyone who will follow the Prophet’s ideologies with full confidence will succeed in life. Only following his ideologies, it is possible to make this earth safe and achieve both the desired peace on this earth and redeption in the and hereafter.






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