الانتخابات المعاصرة من منظور الفقه الإسلامي: دراسة فقهية مقارنة


  • Al-Ramhan Al-Azhar




Islamic Shari’ah is an eternal code of life. It is valid for all places and times to come. It addresses all human beings without any exception. In the same time, it has come with the Laws and Systems which can meet all needs of human beings in all ages and circumstances following the best and perfect way. One of the proofs of being the Islamic Shari’ah valid for every age and place is that there is no incident or new issue without having the solutions and rules regarding it in Islam that may be derived through researching the Qur’an and Sunnah. The changes of the times and the continuity of its development make it clearer in its validity and make the Muslim more faithful in its subjectivity and credibility. The election system by voting is considered one of the newest issues related to the Islamic fiqh (Jurisprudence), as a matter of politics and governance in the present time. Considering this fact, it seems to us an obligatory duty to search the ruling of Sahri’ah about this phenomena, being enriched by the previous studies to the possible extent, shedding the light on its definition and historical background and concentrating on opinions of contemporary scholars regarding it so that it may be clear to us and we can implement it accordingly from the viewpoint of Shari’ah.






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