أساليب التدريس القيم في ضوء القران الكريم والسنة النبوية


  • Muhammad Anwar Al Kabeer




One of the key aspects of the prophet Muhammad (SAAS)’s mission was education since the very first day of revelation. He was regarded as the firs teacher. Through his educational mission, he managed to cultivate a generation who reached the apex of development in terms of religion as well as moral values and became the most advanced nation. Till now, Muslims all over the world are benefiting from noble qualities of their predecessors and pursuing the same path to re-gain their glory. However, there are a number of methods in teaching and a teacher should be familiar with them in order to modify students’ manners, to rectify their characters and to purify their hearts. This article aims to illustrate some approaches of teaching in order to make learning process easier in the light of Qur’an and Sunnah. This study also presents some of the major qualities that a teacher should possess, as teachers are regarded as role model for the students






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