Qur’anic Revelation in Song of Myself


  • Mahmoda Khaton
  • Umme Hani




Al-Qur‟an, a message from the Almighty Allah, is an accurate and immutable guideline for human being in this world. It is a doubtless index of human life. It is not specially for Muslims, but for all mankind created by Allah. Except this, every message is man-made or partially true and has limitation and shortcomings. But Al-Qur‟an is abundant of absolute thoughts from Allah which are sent through our great and second to none human being, Hazrat Muhammad (SAWS). On the other hand, Walt Whitman‟s “Song of Myself” is one of the profound poems of Leaves of Grass, the forerunner of free verse literature. This poem celebrates the poet‟s indistinguishable individuality by melting away into the abstract “Myself”. Through his „Myself‟ definition, Whitman unveils the comprehensive and absolute truth of Al-Qur‟an. The cardinal themes of Al-Qur‟an— the accurate revelation of human creation, the confirmation of the existence of Our Creator, the ever presence of Him, inseparable bonding of all Muslims, direction towards the liabilities of human existence in the world, signifying fellow-feeling and inevitability of eternal life find exposure in “Song of Myself”. Though he is an American poet, he, in his poem, “Song of Myself”, he reveals these Qur‟anic applications in a very astounded way. This paper explores how the important obligations of Al-Qur‟an are revealed in a nonMuslim‟s writing, “Song of Myself” and the significance of these matters in human life.






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