Towards Understanding Islamic Paradigm of Education
Islam represents a comprehensive code of civilization encompassing all the dimensions of human thought and life. A civilization experiences both rise and fall. It rises and enjoys continuous growth as long as it manages to lead its members to grow intellectually and morally. It falls when intellectual as well as moral growth of man reach the point of stagnation. Both growth and stagnation are indicative of the education system adopted by society. Similarly, Islam considers education a very essential tool to mould human thought and life. Its education system, as the history stands witness, has the potential to lead civilization to the pinnacle. Islamic system of education is composed of a clear objective of human recognition of God the ultimate reality and development of man at both intellectual and moral level. Fundamental principles of this system are: 1) unification of so called secular and religious curricula, 2) rational and critical approach in teaching and learning, 3) continuous process of research and development based on three point formula-acquisition of available knowledge, application of observation and in-depth enquiry into the validity of the ideas incorporated in the existing knowledge and development of new form and substance of knowledge, 4) refurbishing and reorientation of disciplines of study, and 5) teacher-student close relationship governed by love, respect and other basic human values.