Spiritual Insight and Juristic Vision in Abu al-Laith al-Samarqandi’s Writings (d.373 A.H/983 A.D): A Critical Study


  • Dr. Showkat Hussain




Aarif, Shari‘ah, Transoxiania, Jurist, Unification, Jasd, Ruh, Tazkiyah, Contemplation


Islam recognizes Bashr (Human Being) an abode of the   physical and the spiritual existence. The Quranic notions of the Ruh (Spiritual existence) and Jasd (physical appearance) formulate the idea of an absolute meaning that confirms the existence of human being. This cohesive union gives an exact picture having traits of the both, the Ruhi and the Jasdi interconnection. The righteous (al-Rabaniyien) are very much capable of    identifying mischief of the self (al-Nafs) through the power of gnosis (al-Marifah) by maintaining the pre-eminence of the Ruh over the Nafs. They remain devoted to the essence of the Shari‘ah and serve in capacity of a conscientious social being. The grand jurist Abu al-Laith al-Samarqandi (d.373 A.H/983 A.D), a distinguished jurist and spiritual guide is of the same stature. He possessed the qualities of a grand jurist, a visionary legal expert as well as a reputed spiritual master utilizing the Quranic intelligence to empower the human intellect through the intrinsic capacities. Abu al-Laith al-Samarqandi’s contribution to the diverse fields of knowledge and mystic experiences influenced discourse of the Muslim intellectual thought throughout cenuries. From Central Asia to Spain and Egypt to India, his works on Jurisprudence and philosophy mark an excellence in content as well as in exploration. Abu al-Laith al-Samarqandi’ approach is a placid endeavor to transform an individual through spiritual enlightenment while observing any religious obligation. The present paper is an attempt to discover    legal and spiritual tendencies in Abu   al-Laith al-Samarqandi, his contribution to ‘Ulum and conception of the spiritual empowerment.






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