The Literary Contribution of Sir Sayeed Ahmed Khan and Its impact in Indian Subcontinent: An Observation


  • Md. Rafiqul Islam
  • Dr. Mohammad Arifur Rahman



An Indian Muslim leader, Social Reformer, Islamic Modernist, Philosopher, Indian Muslim Educator and Politician, Urdu Literature, Aligarh Movement, Aligarh Muslim University


The research study aims to bring to light the contribution of the sir Sayeed Ahmed in the realm of education and literature. Sir Sayeed Ahmed Khan (1817 –1898), commonly known as Sir Sayeed, was an Indian Muslim leader, Islamic modernist, philosopher and social reformer of nineteenth century. He earned a reputation as a distinguished scholar while working as a jurist for the British India. During the Indian Rebellion of 1857, he remained loyal to the British Empire and was noted for his actions in saving European lives. Believing that the future of Muslims was threatened by the rigidity of their orthodox outlook, Sir Sayeed began promoting Western–style scientific education by founding modern schools and journals and organizing Muslim entrepreneurs. He was one of the founders of the Aligarh Movement and Aligarh Muslim University. He began focusing in writing, from the early life on various subjects mainly educational issues. He launched his attempts to revive the spirit of progress within the Muslim community of India. Therefore, modern education became the pivot of his movement for regeneration of the Indian Muslims. Sayeed Ahmed Khan found time for literary and scholarly pursuits The range of his literary and scholarly interests was very wide comprising all the major areas : education, law, philosophy, history, politics, archeology, journalism, Muslim modernism, literature, science and culture mainly based on his comprehensive religious ideas should be well measured in view to making out him and his contribution to the context. The books written by himself and the books composed on him by some of the great writers like Altaf Hussein Hali, Hafeez Malick, Nasim Rashid, Christian W.Troll in studied to understand him and his contribution. The readers of this paper would be benefited to dispel the hazy ideas about this great man of India who had a immense contribution. Further research should be under taken to know him more about in different sides of his thought and personality. The qualitative and the historical methods are adopted for the accomplishment of the work.






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