الحوار: مفهومه وأهدافه على ضوء القرآن الكريم
The article is a presentation of popular term Dialogue. It means to conversate between two or more with acceptance and ejection. The Holy Qur’an emphasized on dialogue with great extent. Many of Qur’anic verses contain the subject matters of dialogue and its method. Because it is the way of communication, amplification of ideas and clarification of speaker’s thought. To make the dialogue a success needs to acknowledge the right of opponent, to respect him, to recognize his friendship to speak with good word, to be flexible in the dialogue. And the dialogue should be subjective. Calling people to the truth depends on cooperative dialogue. The time we are passing is full of problems, anarchy, sedition and contradiction. Therefore to solve these problems and uprooting contradictions dialogue is much needed process. It can solve all problems and it is fruitful means of unification.